Lunch works this week!” I texted my friend in May 2013.
Finalizing details, she mentioned her foster daughter, and concern over materials she’d gotten through a mandated educational program.
“I’ll tell you more tomorrow,” she said.
The next day, in a corner of Johnny Carino’s, she recounted this precious teen’s sexual-abuse history, then, hesitantly, revealed the interior of a kit filled with shocking items, including condoms and a sexual vibrator, before closing it.
My stomach churning in revolt, she explained the contents’ source: Planned Parenthood’s “Reach One, Teach One” outreach.
“What should I do?” she asked.
I wasn’t sure, but my heart broke for the child, now victimized again through a program claiming to be “one of a kind.”
Reflecting back on this recently, my friend remarked in frustration, “She needed love, support, healing and a lesson in sex as God designed it. Instead she got flavored lube, rubbers, a wooden dildo and a bunch of crud we had to hide.”
Since then, I’ve watched Planned Parenthood’s calculated advance on our youth and society as it greedily digs into our pockets while claiming heroism.
Meeting former Planned Parenthood manager Ramona Trevino, and co-writing her story, “Redeemed by Grace: A Catholic Woman’s Journey to Planned Parenthood and Back,” brought me even more deeply into the core of this corrupt organization.
Like many of its employees, Ramona, formerly a single mother, believed she was helping people in her work, but eventually, Planned Parenthood’s destructive mission became evident.
Dramatic? Yes, and worthy of our attention. In recent days, I’ve been reminded of the responsibility we bear in noticing red flags in organizations clamoring for funding. Not every nonprofit has pure motives. We need to discern the wolves wearing wool.
Ramona’s book, and others, like Karen Handel’s “Planned Bullyhood,” offer honest glimpses into Planned Parenthood in particular, recalling its founder, Margaret Sanger, and her insidious quest to rid society of the “unfit.”
Keen observation reveals the organization’s attempt to infiltrate every sphere, from primary classrooms to colleges, even honorable fundraising efforts — a relentless pursuit to become mainstream.
But don’t be duped. Despite its powerful public-relations arm, at its top realm, Planned Parenthood, like the Wizard of Oz, hides behind a curtain, repeating, “Nothing to see here,” even as Toto yanks it away, revealing the horrific truth to Dorothy and her unsuspecting friends. It’s time we distance ourselves, and withdraw support, from organizations that, while touting virtue, slyly plot the degradation of humanity.
Planned Parenthood offers a false freedom. But God offers free will with life-giving ends. The only real choice is life or death. For the sake of our children, we need to resist evil at every turn. God will bless a good, even if hard, choice, for the souls and sake of all.
[For the sake of having a repository for my newspaper columns and articles, I reprint them here, with permission, a week after their run date. The preceding ran in The Forum newspaper on Feb. 17, 2018.]