The threat of the pink blankie
When the little girl first arrived with her mama on the sidewalk where we were praying, she was clutching a bag of fruit snacks. She stopped to eat them, grabbing them with her chubby fingers, her...
View ArticleLions and babies and ice cream, oh my!
Anybody else needing some ice cream about now? The other day, the kids found the ice-maker my grandma had given us a while back. It had gotten as close to the kitchen as a shelf in the...
View ArticleHow babies save their mamas
In I Timothy 2:15, we read, “But women will be saved through childbearing…” I’ve always taken that to be spiritual, but it may be more than that. Our babies may be saving our bodies just as much as...
View ArticleShifting the conversation of a nation through video
At the beginning of the staggered release of the videos by the Center for Medical Progress showing the abortion industry’s practice of selling baby body parts for profit, the question of whether the...
View ArticleFaith Conversations: Billy Graham’s grandson speaks in Fargo
William Franklin Graham IV, grandson of Billy Graham, says what people need most now is “to hear a word from God.” Photo special to The Forum CHARLOTTE, N.C. — When he was around 12, William “Will”...
View ArticleStories from the sidewalk: The bully
Would the real bully please stand up? When I approached the other pray-ers with their rosary beads, and client escorts in their yellow vests, standing outside the abortion facility in Fargo earlier...
View ArticleWalking into the lion’s den
Every Tuesday during the school year, since the spring of 2000, Science and Religion Lunch Seminars (SRLS) have been hosted over the lunch hour at North Dakota State University. The event website...
View ArticleStories from the sidewalk: Pink sweats, stained with urine
I have spent the larger part of my Wednesday night weeping. And when I leave for the Adoration chapel soon, it will be a flight of relief. I will run into the arms of Jesus and rest there for a while....
View ArticleStories from the sidewalk: Youth! and ‘the bully’ revisited
Today, the sidewalk in front of North Dakota’s only abortion facility came with a side of sleet, along with an extra portion of pray-ers via a busload of kids from the Minto and Warsaw areas of North...
View ArticleCupcakes for Life 2015: “I couldn’t have known…”
Back in the spring of 2012, when approached with a proposal to write a book that would involve telling someone’s story of conversion, I couldn’t have known all that God would have in mind for me by...
View ArticleLiving Faith: Protest or prayer? Faithful see a difference
I’d been downtown for the morning midweek and was just pulling out of a parking spot when I saw a friend on her way into church. I quickly rolled down my van window, feeling a blast of heat on my skin....
View ArticleStories from the sidewalk: Will you hold their hands on the way out, too?
This struck me from the very beginning days of my prayer time on the sidewalk. And it’s been even more pronounced lately as escorts at our local abortion facility have seemed more…aggressive, I guess...
View ArticleFinding you’re not alone…
After quite a few years of attending our local chapter of Lutherans for Life annual dessert banquet, this year, I was asked to be keynote speaker. Always impressed by their speakers and passion, I felt...
View ArticleMeeting Cecile Richards in Fargo with a Christmas carol
Tomorrow, Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards will be Downtown Fargo for a fundraising event. This is the same Downtown Fargo where I go most Wednesdays to pray for the women who enter the Red River...
View ArticleGlitz, glamour and an empty manger: Cecile Richards visits Fargo
The idea to carol had come in what seemed to me a Holy Spirit tap to my friend Sally. We’d just learned that Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards would be visiting Fargo for a fundraising gala in our...
View ArticleThe hope I find in a Satanist’s admissions
Yesterday, the Washington Post published a story about a spokesperson for a Satanic temple in Detroit who went through an abortion and then went public with the experience. Despite the nature of the...
View ArticleTo Bury the Dead
It was my youngest son’s teacher who reminded me of it. I’d shared with her in an email what my son had been up to during break; how his Christmas vacation turned out a little different than we’d...
View ArticleI have a dream, too…
I think I would have gotten along well with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. I have always had a deep sense of justice, and injustice, like him. And like him, I’ve been willing to put myself on the line for...
View ArticleUnpacking Boise: The loveliest of landings
Last Thursday, I left Fargo to fly to a city I’d never visited before. Even before landing, I had a good feeling about the whole thing. The mountains for one. We flatlanders appreciate our space, but...
View ArticleLiving Faith: ‘Whatever happened to judge not,’ she asked
My 15-year-old spent much of last week holed up in a Washington, D.C., hotel with her Shanley High School classmates, hostage to “Storm Jonas,” possibly the fiercest blizzard to hit the East Coast...
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